
Will brand new Uncharted 4 launch on PS4?

With the release of the newest Uncharted game Naughty Dog has now officially finished graphics. In an interview with the Official PlayStation Magazine, Justin Richmond, director on Uncharted 3, had this to say: "There are a ton of Drake adventures out there and we haven't told all of them yet. As long as fans want the games and as long as we find something that's interesting and will push the medium forward, we'll continue to make them."

Uncharted 3 has done well for PS3, and now that success points to something special for the PlayStation Vita, in the form of Uncharted: Golden Abyss. This will be released in Japan December 17, and February 22, 2012 in North America and Europe.
Following this pattern, the uncharted series would stop after the launch of the PS4, and the new console would be the dawn of a brand new series. But I doubt this is going to happen. If there are indeed several more stories to tell and Naughty Dog is committed to telling those stories as long as fans keep clamoring for them, the uncharted lifespan could easily stretch into the PS4 generation.
But even if it doesn't, I'm pretty sure we'll see at least one more title on the PS3 controller. And I don't mean a port of the upcoming Uncharted: Golden Abyss for the PlayStation Vita. The PS Vita’s built-in gyroscope, camera, both touch screens, and the buttons on the system makes this game rewarding. You can use the camera to aim your sniper rifle within this game; you can make Drake climb on ropes by using the touch screen on the back, and so much more. Please visit the source above for their hands-on preview of the game on the PS Vita.
The current next-gen rumors put the Xbox 720 (but not the Xbox 360 kinect) in a 2013 launch window and the PS4 sometime in 2014. That means that Uncharted 4 will most likely be a PS3 release, though one that shows up toward the tail end of the PS3's lifespan. Uncharted 5, if the series continues into the next generation, would be a PS4 title.

