
Nintendo released the Wii U specific performance

Nintendo released the Wii U specific performance, and it is estimated that Wii U should be on the market next year.
Analysts believe that the Wii U hardware system is similar to Xbox 360 Kinect, but the performance is about 1.5 times the latter. It is said that Nintendo has also assessed a prototype Wii U with 1GB, memory and CPU integrated on the same chip, both from IBM.

Wii U Daily says that the specifications of the Wii U from a certain Japanese game developers are:
• Quad-Core Power PC processor, clocked at 3GHz, 45-nanometer process
• 768MB on-chip DRAM, and CPU integrated with higher bandwidth, CPU / GPU sharing
• ATI provides a section GPU, 40-nanometer process
The developer who provides the specifications of Wii U is busy porting a PS3 game to Wii U platform, but did not disclose the name of work.
Last month, the Nintendo North America President Reggie told to the Times reporter, at this moment, the customer who bought the Wii Controller at a promotional price of $ 150 is destined to become Wii U camp probationary member. Yes, they are a group of price-sensitive customers after years of waiting finally ushered a record low price of $ 149.99. Since the pricing $ 249 or even $ 199 seems far away to them, how could they show support to the PS4 and Xbox 720?
Although the Wii U price has not been determined (obviously more expensive than the Wii), but Reggie considered that the Wii U will be in harmony with the Wii for some time, and Wii will eventually develop into the prairie fire of Wii U.

